This is the image I'm holding in my head for 2015. When I start to feel overwhelmed with all the things I need to do, should do or want to do this will be my focus.
Today was my first day back in the office. My real job. Not the farm job. I do sometimes feel like I have two separate lives. It's a good thing.
Christmas was a constant flow of family and friends. No sooner had one group left than another was arriving. We like it that way.
So what's on the agenda 2015? Gardens & landscaping. As with most things "farm" it's a bit more than a Saturday morning trip to Bunnings for a few bags of potting mix. It takes planning. Lot's of planning. The vegetable garden will be a series of raised beds. Irrigation is essential. We did a test run with our herb garden and the a drip system attached to a timer works perfectly. I remember my Grandparents loved watering their garden. It was their post dinner ritual every night over summer. Realistically we wont have that luxury, so a reliable water supply is essential. The garden bed's will also require some form of netting to protect them from the wildlife. I'm not talking about insect & bugs. I'm talking kangaroos, birds, possums and wombats!
We also have plans to plant along the retaining wall at the back of the house and around our pool. Timing is essential here. Instinct tells me that Spring is the time to plant but we have found March/April is our best time for general planting. The plants have time to get established before the winter frost, and then have their growth spurt in spring.
We've had great success with our herb garden. One bed has rhubarb, silverbeet and shallots. The other is a mixture of herbs. We love the young silverbeet simply tossed in a pan (think stir fry) with garlic, butter, salt and pepper. Yum.